Oracle7 Server Messages

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Messages Beginning with Variable Text

DBA-00341       name is an undefined bind variable 

DBA-00366       name name is malformed, it must be of form [[a.]b.]c@dblink

EXP-00010       name is not a valid username 

MOD-00054       name is not a valid cursor reference 

ORA-00266       name of archived log file needed 

ORA-00267       name of archived log file not needed 

ORA-00955       name is already used by an existing object 

ORA-01111       name for datafile name is unknown - rename to correct file 

ORA-02264       name already used by an existing constraint 

ORA-04062       name of name has been changed

ORA-04063       name has errors 

ORA-04090       name specifies same table, event and trigger time as name 

ORA-23368       name name cannot be null or the empty string

PLS-00124       name of exception expected for first argument in EXCEPTION_INIT pragma

PLS-00221       name is not a procedure or is undefined

PLS-00313       name not declared in this scope

PLS-00353       name must name a user in the database

PLS-00356       name must name a table to which the user has access

PLS-00365       name is an OUT parameter and cannot be read

PLS-00704       name must be declared as an exception

PLS-01456       name length cannot exceed 3.

ORA-08002       name.CURRVAL is not yet defined in this session 

EXP-00011 does not exist 

ORA-08004       name.NEXTVAL str [MIN][MAX]VALUE and cannot be instantiated 

EXP-00012       num is not a valid export mode 

ORA-00403       str (str) is not the same as other instances str 

ORA-20000       application_specific_message

ORA-23300       application_specific_message

PCC-00045       clause_name clause inappropriate at line num in file name. Ignored 

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