Oracle7 Server Messages

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00300-00369: Redo Log Files

ORA-00300 illegal redo log block size num specified - exceeds limit of num

Cause:The specified block size of the redo log file is greater than the maximum block size for the operating system.
Action:Create the redo log on a device with a smaller block size.
ORA-00301 error in adding log file name - file cannot be created

Cause:The creation of the redo log file failed.
Action:Check that there is enough storage space on the device, that the name of the file is valid, and that the device is online; then try again.

ORA-00302 limit of num logs exceeded

Cause:The maximum number of redo log files has been exceeded. There is a limit, set at database creation, on the number of redo log files (typically 16).
Action:Use the CREATE CONTROLFILE command with a larger value for MAXLOGFILES.
ORA-00304 requested INSTANCE_NUMBER is busy

Cause:An instance tried to start by using a value of the initialization parameter INSTANCE_NUMBER that is already in use.
Action:Specify another value for INSTANCE_NUMBER in the initialization parameter file or wait for recovery to finish for that instance number. Then restart the instance.
ORA-00305 log name of thread num inconsistent; belongs to another database

Cause:The database ID in the redo log file does not match the database ID in the control file. This redo log file is not from the current database.
Action:Specify the correct redo log file, then retry the operation.
ORA-00306 limit of num log writer instances in this database

Cause:Starting this instance would exceed the maximum number of instances allowed for this database. This message occurs only when attempting to start another instance in Parallel Server mode.
Action:It is not possible to start more than the given number of instances. The maximum is the lower of the operating system-specific maximum or the MAXINSTANCES option specified in the CREATE DATABASE statement. See also your operating system-specific Oracle documentation.
ORA-00307 requested INSTANCE_NUMBER out of range, maximum is num

Cause:The initialization parameter INSTANCE_NUMBER specified a number that was out of range.
Action:Change INSTANCE_NUMBER to a valid range and restart the instance. The minimum value is one and the maximum value is the lower of the operating system-specific maximum or the MAXINSTANCES option specified in the CREATE DATABASE statement. See also your operating system-specific Oracle documentation.
ORA-00308 cannot open archived log name

Cause:The system cannot access a required archived redo log file.
Action:Check that the off line log exists, the storage device is online, and the archived file is in the correct location. Then attempt to continue recovery or restart the recovery session.
ORA-00309 log belongs to wrong database

Cause:The system cannot access the archived redo log because it belongs to another database.
Action:Specify the correct redo log file, then retry the operation.
ORA-00310 archived log contains sequence num; sequence num required

Cause:The archived log is out of sequence, probably because it is corrupted or the wrong redo log filename was specified during recovery.
Action:Specify the correct redo log file; then retry the operation.
ORA-00311 cannot read header from archived log

Cause:An error occurred when attempting to read the file header from the archived redo log file.
Action:Other messages will accompany this message. See the associated messages for the appropriate action to take.
ORA-00312 online log name thread num: str

Cause:This message reports the filename for details of another message.
Action:Other messages will accompany this message. See the associated messages for the appropriate action to take.
ORA-00313 open failed for members of log group name of thread name

Cause:The online log cannot be opened. The file may not be in the expected location.
Action:Specify the correct redo log file or make log available, if necessary. Also, see the following messages, if any.
ORA-00314 log name of thread num, expected sequence # num does not match num

Cause:The online log is out of sequence, probably because it is corrupted or an old version.
Action:For more information on recovery procedures, see the Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide.
ORA-00315 log name of thread num, wrong thread # num in header

Cause:The online redo log file is corrupted or is an old version.
Action:Refer to the Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide for recovery procedures.
ORA-00316 log name of thread num, type str in header is not redo log file

Cause:The online redo log file is corrupted or is an old version.
Action:Refer to the Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide for recovery procedures.
ORA-00317 file type str in header is not log file

Cause:This is not an archived redo log file.
Action:Refer to the Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide for recovery procedures.
ORA-00318 log name of thread num, expected file size num does not match num

Cause:The file size indicated in the control file did not match the file size contained in the redo log file.
Action:Refer to the Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide for recovery procedures.
ORA-00319 log name of thread num has incorrect log reset status

Cause:An online redo log file has log reset data that is different from the log reset data listed in the control file. The redo log file is probably an incorrectly restored backup.
Action:Refer to the Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide for recovery procedures.
ORA-00320 cannot read file header from log name of thread num

Cause:The system is unable to read the redo log file header because the file is not available or the file is corrupted.
Action:Specify the correct redo log file, then retry the operation.
ORA-00321 log name of thread num, cannot update log file header

Cause:The system cannot write to the redo log file.
Action:Restore access to the redo log file; then retry the operation.
ORA-00322 log name of thread num is not current copy

Cause:An online redo log file appears to be an incorrectly restored backup, according to a check of the redo log file header.
Action:Refer to the Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide for recovery procedures.
ORA-00323 current log of thread num not usable and all others need archiving

Cause:An attempt to open a thread failed because it is necessary to switch to another online log, but all the other online redo logs need to be archived before they can be used.
Action:Archive the online redo logs for the thread, then retry the operation.
ORA-00324 log file name translated name name too long, num characters exceeds num limit

Cause:The translated name for a redo log file is too long.
Action:Respecify a redo log filename that produces a shorter filename on translation.
ORA-00325 archived log for thread num, wrong thread # num in header

Cause:The archived redo log file is corrupted, or it belongs to another thread. This redo log file cannot be used.
Action:Find and use the correct archived redo log file, then retry the operation.
ORA-00326 log begins at change num, need earlier change num

Cause:The archived redo log file supplied for recovery was generated after the redo log file that is needed. Cannot use the log for applying redo information at this time.
Action:Find and install the correct archived redo log file, then retry the operation.
ORA-00327 log name of thread num, physical size num less than needed num

Cause:A redo log file has shrunk in size. This is usually caused by a computer operator's mistake or an operating system error.
Action:Restore the redo log file from backup. If the database was shut down cleanly, no further action should be required. Otherwise, manual recovery may be necessary.
ORA-00328 archived log ends at change num, need later change num

Cause:The archived redo log file supplied for recovery was generated before the log that is needed. Cannot use the log for applying redo information at this time.
Action:Find and install the correct archived redo log file, then retry the operation.
ORA-00329 archived log begins at change num, need change num

Cause:The archived redo log file supplied for recovery is not the correct log. An earlier redo log file is needed.
Action:Find and install the correct archived redo log file, then retry the operation.
ORA-00330 archived log ends at change num, need change num

Cause:The archived redo log file supplied for recovery is not the correct log. A later redo log file is needed.
Action:Find and install the correct archived redo log file, then retry the operation.
ORA-00331 log version num incompatible with Oracle version num

Cause:The log was created under an older, incompatible version of Oracle, or an attempt was made to use the wrong log.
Action:Specify the correct redo log file or recover the database with the old software. Then shut down and restart Oracle with the new software.
ORA-00332 archived log is too small - may be incompletely archived

Cause:The log occupies less space than is allocated to it. This may result from a shutdown abort while the archiver was writing it.
Action:Get a complete version of the file, either the online version or one that was successfully archived, and use that for recovery.
ORA-00333 redo log read error block num count num

Cause:An error occurred while reading the redo log file. Other messages will accompany this message and will give the name of the file.
Action:Restore access to the file or get another copy of the file.
ORA-00334 archived log: name

Cause:This message reports the filename involved with other errors.
Action:See the associated messages for a description of the problem.
ORA-00335 online log name: No log with this number, log does not exist

Cause:This message reports the filename involved with other messages.
Action:Correct the underlying problems mentioned in the other messages.
ORA-00336 log file size num blocks is less than minimum num blocks

Cause:The redo log file size specified in the CREATE DATABASE statement is too small.
Action:Increase the redo log file size and re-enter the statement.
ORA-00337 log file name does not exist and no size specified

Cause:The system could not add a redo log file because it could not find an existing file or a size for creating the file.
Action:Specify a size for the redo log file, then retry the operation.
ORA-00338 log name of thread num is more recent than control file

Cause:The control file change sequence number in the redo log file is greater than the number in the control file. This implies that the wrong control file is being used. Note that repeatedly causing this error to happen by reopening the database may cause the error to stop happening without correcting the problem. Every attempt to open the database advances the control file change sequence number.
Action:Use the correct control file or perform recovery using a backup of the control file.
ORA-00339 archived log does not contain any redo

Cause:The archived log being applied is not the correct log. The log being applied is possibly a copy of a log or was an online log being prepared to be used as the current log.
Action:Restore the correct redo log file.
ORA-00340 I/O error processing online log name of thread num

Cause:An I/O error occurred on the named online redo log file, probably because the file was not accessible or because it was corrupted.
Action:Restore access to the file or restore the file from a backup.
ORA-00341 log name of thread num, wrong log # num in header

Cause:The internal information in an online redo log file does not match the control file information.
Action:Refer to the Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide for recovery procedures.
ORA-00342 archived log was created before last RESETLOGS

Cause:Recovery was given a log that was created before the last ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS command. There should be another log created since then that contains the correct redo.
Action:Find and install the correct archived redo log file, then retry the operation.
ORA-00343 too many errors, log member closed

Cause:The maximum number of errors on this log member has been exceeded. Other messages will accompany this message.
Action:Correct the underlying problems mentioned in the other messages.
ORA-00344 unable to recreate online log name

Cause:An I/O failure occurred when attempting to recreate an online log as part of either an ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS or ALTER DATABASE CLEAR log file command.
Action:Check the accompanying messages. Check that the file is accessible.
ORA-00345 redo log write error block num count num

Cause:An I/O error has occurred while writing the log, probably because the file was not accessible, or a device failed.
Action:Make the file accessible or restore the device, then restart the system. If the log is lost, apply media or incomplete recovery.
ORA-00346 log member marked as STALE

Cause:A redo log file member is no longer complete. Other messages will accompany this message.
Action:Correct the underlying problem mentioned in the other messages.
ORA-00347 log name of thread num expected block size num does not match num

Cause:During online recovery, the block size specified in the control file did not match the block size indicated in the redo log file.
Action:Restore the correct redo log file from a backup or reset the online redo log files.
ORA-00348 single-process redo failure. Must abort instance

Cause:A failure occurred during a single-process redo log operation. This error does not occur during normal multi-process operations.
Action:Shut down and restart the database.
ORA-00349 failure obtaining block size for name

Cause:The operating system was unable to determine the block size for the named file.
Action:Check the accompanying messages, then restore the device or specify another file.
ORA-00350 log name of thread num needs to be archived

Cause:Media recovery is enabled and the specified log was not archived.
Action:Archive the redo log file or disable media recovery. If the command supports the UNARCHIVED option, then it can be used. However, this may result in making backups unusable and forcing some offline files to be dropped.
ORA-00351 recover-to time invalid

Cause:The time specified in a RECOVER DATABASE... UNTIL is before January 1, 1988.
Action:Specify a time after January 1, 1988.
ORA-00352 all logs for thread num need to be archived - cannot enable

Cause:An attempt was made to enable a thread when all of the online redo log files in the thread needed to be archived, and media recovery has been enabled. There is no online redo log file that can be made the new current log for the thread.
Action:Archive a redo log file for the thread.
ORA-00353 log corruption near block num change str time str

Cause:Some type of redo log file corruption has been discovered. This message describes the location of the corruption. Other messages will accompany this message and describe the type of corruption.
Action:Perform recovery with a good version of the redo log file or perform incomplete recovery up to the indicated change or time.

ORA-00354 corrupt redo log block header

Cause:The block header on the block in the redo log file is not valid. The block number and time-stamp are given in an accompanying message.
Action:Perform recovery with a good version of the redo log file or perform cancel-based recovery up to, but not including, the corrupted redo log file.
ORA-00355 change numbers out of order

Cause:A change number found in the redo log file is lower than a previously encountered change number. The redo log file is corrupted in some way. The corruption may be at the earlier change number or at this one. The block number and time-stamp are given in an accompanying message.
Action:Perform recovery with a good version of the redo log file or perform time-based recovery up to the indicated time.
ORA-00356 inconsistent lengths in change description

Cause:A change record in the redo log file contains lengths that do not add up to a consistent value. The redo log file is corrupted in some way.
Action:Perform recovery with a good version of the redo log file or perform time-based recovery up to the indicated time.
ORA-00357 too many members specified for log file, the maximum is num

Cause:An attempt was made to add a redo log group or add a redo log group member that would result in a set of online redo logs with too many members. The maximum number of members is set when the database is created.
Action:Use fewer redo log group members or use the CREATE CONTROLFILE command and set the parameter MAXLOGMEMBERS to a larger value.
ORA-00358 too many file members specified, the maximum is num

Cause:A CREATE or ALTER statement specified too many members in the file list.
Action:Specify a number of files that is within the given limit or use the CREATE CONTROLFILE command and set the parameter MAXLOGMEMBERS to a larger value.
ORA-00359 log file group num does not exist

Cause:An attempt to add or drop a redo log group member specified a redo log file group number that does not exist.
Action:Check the configuration of the redo log files and retry the command with a valid group number.
ORA-00360 not a log file member: name

Cause:An invalid filename was given to drop a redo log group member. Either the file is not a part of the database, or it is a datafile.
Action:Specify a valid member name and retry the command.
ORA-00361 cannot remove last log member name group num

Cause:An attempt was made to remove the last member of a redo log group.
Action:If desired, delete the entire log by using the DROP log file command.
ORA-00362 member is required to form a valid log file in group name

Cause:A request to drop a redo log group member was denied because it would remove data required to form a complete online redo log group.
Action:If desired, delete the entire log after archiving, if required, using the DROP log file command.
ORA-00363 log is not the archived version

Cause:The log given for recovery is a backup of the online version from the time it was the current log. The archived version of the log would not be marked as the end of the thread. This message can also be caused by failing to list the current log of an enabled thread in a CREATE CONTROLFILE command.
Action:Find the archived version of the log and specify its name. If this is media recovery immediately following a CREATE CONTROLFILE, be sure the current log for this thread was included.
ORA-00364 cannot write header to new log member

Cause:An I/O error occurred when attempting to write the header to a redo log group member that is being added to an existing group.
Action:See accompanying messages. Fix the problem or use another file.
ORA-00365 the specified log is not the correct next log

Cause:The specified log failed to pass checks to ensure it corresponds to the log that was generated against a cold backup image of the database.
Action:Find the log that was generated by this copy of the database and give that filename to recover.
ORA-00369 current log of thread num not useable and other log being cleared

Cause:Attempt to open thread failed because it is necessary to switch redo generation to another online log, but all the other logs are being cleared or need to be archived before they can be used.
Action:If the ALTER DATABASE CLEAR log file command is still active then wait for it to complete. Otherwise, re-enter the CLEAR command. If there are other online logs for the thread that are not being cleared, then archive the logs.

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