Oracle Network Products Troubleshooting Guide

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Interchange Control Utility (NR) Error Messages (TNS-00001 to 00099)

TNS-00001 INTCTL: error while getting command line from the terminal

Cause:Improper standard input connection from the terminal.
Action:Normally not visible to the user. Start the INTCTL program again. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.
TNS-00002 INTCTL: error while starting the Interchange

Cause:The Interchange could not be started.
Action:Check the Interchange configuration files (INTCHG.ORA, TNSNET.ORA, and TNSNAV.ORA) for errors and confirm that no other programs are using the ADDRESS(es) specified. If error continues, turn on tracing in the Interchange components and examine the trace files to determine the cause of the problem. Be sure to turn tracing off when the problem has been rectified.
TNS-00003 INTCTL: error while sending the request to the Interchange

Cause:Improper command sent to the Interchange or the Interchange is not responding. Not normally visible to the user.
Action:Verify that the command sent to the Interchange is valid. Also check that the Interchange is running by using the INTCTL STATUS command. If necessary, start the Interchange using the INTCTL START command.
TNS-00004 INTCTL: error while starting the Navigator

Cause:The Navigator could not be started.
Action:Check to make sure that executables for the Navigator (navgatr) are present in the ORACLE executable directory on your platform. Check the configuration files TNSNET.ORA and TNSNAV.ORA for errors. If error continues, turn on tracing in the Interchange components and examine the trace files to determine the cause of the problem. Be sure to turn tracing off when the problem has been rectified.
TNS-00005 INTCTL: error while sending request to the Navigator

Cause:The Navigator is not responding. Either the Navigator is not running or another process is responding. Not normally visible to the user.
Action:Check that the Navigator is running by using the STATUS command of the Interchange Control Utility. Verify that the correct addresses are listed in the TNSNAMES.ORA, TNSNET.ORA, and TNSNAV.ORA configuration files.
TNS-00006 INTCTL: HOST variable is not defined

Cause:The HOST variable was not set.
Action:Set the HOST variable properly and restart the INTCTL program.
TNS-00007 INTCTL: unknown host

Cause:The pointer HOST is set to an unknown hostname.
Action:Set the pointer HOST properly and restart INTCTL program.
TNS-00008 INTCTL: could not contact destination Navigator

Cause:Connection could not be established to a Navigator. This may be because the Navigator specified is not running or the Navigator addresses are incorrect.
Action: Check that the Navigator is running by using the STATUS command of the Interchange Control Utility; if necessary, start the Navigator using the START command of the Interchange Control Utility. If it is running and the error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.
TNS-00009 INTCTL:could not contact destination Connection Manager

Cause:Connection could not be established to a Connection Manager. This may be because the Connection Manger (Interchange) specified is not running or the Connection Manger addresses are incorrect.
Action:Make sure that the Connection Manager is running by using the STATUS command of the Interchange Control Utility; if necessary, start the Connection Manager using the START command of the Interchange Control Utility. If it is running and the error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.
TNS-00010 INTCTL: Error while flushing NS context

Cause:Internal NS error; connection may be lost.
Action:Make sure the connection is properly established. If the error persists, then contact Worldwide Customer Support.
TNS-00011 INTCTL: error while starting the Connection Manager

Cause:The Connection Manager could not be started.
Action:Assure that the executable can be found in the standard Oracle executable area. Check the configuration file INTCHG.ORA for errors and confirm that no other process is using the ADDRESS(es) for this Connection Manager as specified in TNSNET.ORA.

TNS-00012 INTCTL: error while processing Connection Manager request

Cause:An improper command was sent to the Connection Manager or it is not responding. Not normally visible to the user.
Action:Verify that the correct addresses are listed in the TNSNAMES.ORA, TNSNET.ORA, and TNSNAV.ORA configuration files. Also check that the Connection Manager is running by using the STATUS command of the Interchange Control Utility. If the error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.
TNS-00013 INTCTL: error while performing NS disconnect command

Cause:Internal NS error. Error in closing down connections.
Action:Make sure the networking protocol being used is properly installed on the machine. If the error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.
TNS-00014 INTCTL: error while opening terminal input channel

Cause:Could not open standard terminal input. Internal error.
Action:Normally not visible to the user. Restart the INTCTL program. If error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.
TNS-00015 INTCTL: error while closing terminal input channel

Cause:Could not close terminal input channel. Internal error.
Action:Normally not visible to the user. Restart the INTCTL program. If the error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.
TNS-00016 INTCTL: error while performing NS send command

Cause:Internal NS error. Connection may be lost.
Action:If error persists contact Worldwide Customer Support.
TNS-00017 INTCTL: error while performing NS receive command

Cause:Internal NS error. Connection may be lost.
Action:If error persists contact Worldwide Customer Support.
TNS-00018 INTCTL: TNS_ADMIN not defined

Cause:The TNS_ADMIN pointer is improperly set.
Action:No action necessary; TNS_ADMIN need only be set if you want to use a different network environment.
TNS-00019 INTCTL: error initializing the national language interface

Cause:The message file could not be found.
Action:Make sure that the ORACLE environment is set and that the message file is in the correct place.

Cause:TNSNAV.ORA does not contain the NAVIGATOR_DATA component.
Action:Define the ADDRESS(es) for the Navigator, then restart the INTCTL program.

Cause:INTCHG.ORA does not contain an INTERCHANGE_DATA component.
Action:Define the correct data for the Connection Manager, then restart the INTCTL program.

Cause:The file INTCHG.ORA does not contain a CMANAGER_NAME component.
Action:Define the correct name for the CMANAGER_NAME, then restart the INTCTL program. Use of the Oracle Network Manager should eliminate this error.
TNS-00023 INTCTL: missing ADDRESS(es) in config files

Cause:onfiguration files do not contain an ADDRESS/ADDRESS_LIST component.
Action:Define the Connection Manager ADDRESS(es) in the TNSNET.ORA file and check the Navigator ADDRESS(es) in the TNSNAV.ORA file, then restart the INTCTL program.
TNS-00024 INTCTL: unable to contact the Navigator to obtain Connection Manager address

Cause:The Navigator is not running.
Action:Verify that the Navigator is running by doing a status request on the Navigator (use the Interchange Control Utility command STATUS). If necessary, start the Navigator, using the Interchange Control Utility. Verify that the network is properly configured; if possible, use the Oracle Network Manager to generate the configuration files. If the error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.
TNS-00025 INTCTL: the ORACLE environment is not set up correctly

Cause:The ORACLE environment is incorrectly set up.
Action:Refer to the Oracle operating system specific documentation for your platform for information on how the ORACLE environment should be set. Correct it and rerun INTCTL. Make sure the ORACLE environment includes the correct directories.
TNS-00026 INTCTL: TNS_ADMIN directory set, and is being used

Cause:The TNS_ADMIN environment variable is set properly. INTCTL will use the TNS_ADMIN directory. This is only an informative message. If you do not want it to be used, and want the default directory to be used instead, then unset TNS_ADMIN and reexecute.
Action: None.
TNS-00027 INTCTL: could not resolve Navigator's name/address

Cause:The Navigator's name to address definition is missing.
Action:Check TNSNAMES.ORA file and make sure to include a definition for the name specified.
TNS-00028 INTCTL: could not resolve Connection Manager's name/address

Cause:The Connection Manager's name does not have a definition that the Navigator knows about, nor is the name/address available in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. The name may also be incorrect in the INTCHG.ORA file.
Action:Verify that the Connection Manager's name is in the TNSNET.ORA file read by the Navigator or in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. Be sure that INTCHG.ORA is correct.
TNS-00031 INTCTL: internal NT error

Cause:Problem interfacing to the protocol adapters installed.
Action:Normally not visible to the user. Try starting INTCTL again. If the error persists, check the product installation. If it is correct, contact Worldwide Customer Support.
TNS-00032 INTCTL:internal NS error

Cause:Problem interfacing with TNS.
Action:Normally not visible to the user. Try starting INTCTL again. If the error persists, check the product installation. If it is correct, contact Worldwide Customer Support.
TNS-00033 INTCTL:internal NL error

Cause:Problem with internal TNS module NL.
Action:Normally not visible to the user. Try starting INTCTL again. If the error persists, check the product installation. If it is correct, contact Worldwide Customer Support.
TNS-00034 INTCTL :internal NR error

Cause:Problem with internal Interchange routines.
Action:Normally not visible to the user. Try starting INTCTL again. If the error persists, check the product installation. If it is correct, contact Worldwide Customer Support.
TNS-00035 INTCTL: error while constructing full file name

Cause:Problem while constructing the full path for a file name because the path name to the file or the environment variables are incorrect. Files looked up include TNSNAMES.ORA, TNSNAV.ORA, INTCHG.ORA, and the error files for the Navigator and Connection Manager.
Action:Check that all environment variables are defined correctly and that all configuration files exist in their correct places.
TNS-00036 INTCTL: error reading from Navigator or Connection Manager error files

Cause:Problem while reading from error files generated by the Navigator or Connection Manager when they fail to start.
Action:Check that a standard Network Error directory exists and that all privileges on the directory are appropriate.
TNS-00037 INTCTL: error opening Navigator or Connection Manager error files

Cause:Failed to open Navigator or Connection Manager error files when they have failed to start.
Action:Check that a Network Error directory exists and that all privileges on the directory are appropriate.
TNS-00038 INTCTL: poorly formed address or command string

Cause:An unacceptable string was encountered while attempting to send a message to either the Navigator or Connection Manager. The addresses provided for either the Navigator or Connection Manager may be incorrectly constructed.
Action:Check all address strings in configuration files (TNSNAMES.ORA, TNSNAV.ORA, or TNSNET.ORA) and assure that they are properly formed. Regenerate the files using the Oracle Network Manager, if possible. If all addresses are correct and the problem persists, please contact Worldwide Customer Support.
TNS-00039 INTCTL: error while spawning a process

Cause:An error was encountered while spawning a process, due to an internal operating system dependent problem. Machine resources may be limited.
Action:Retry command. Check permissions on Interchange executables and the current setting of the search path. If necessary, terminate other applications to free up machine resources. If the error persists, contact Worldwide Customer Support.
TNS-00040 INTCTL: failed to initialize trace context- Continuing anyway

Cause:Problem while opening specified trace file because of errors in INTCHG.ORA or because the user has incorrect privileges, or the file does not exist.
Action:Check the privileges on the configuration files and ensure that all of them exist in their proper locations.
TNS-00041 INTCTL: Navigator already running. Start operation cancelled

Cause:There is a Navigator already running and listening on the same addresses.
Action:None; the Navigator is already running.
TNS-00042 INTCTL: Cmanager already running. Start operation cancelled

Cause:There is a Connection Manager already running and listening on the same addresses.
Action:None; the Connection Manager is already running.
TNS-00043 INTCTL: the CMANAGER has active connections, do you still want to stop it (y/n)?

Cause:The CMANAGER that is being stopped has active connections going through. This is a confirmation message.
Action:Respond by pressing y or n. Answering y will cause the active database connection to be dropped; this is not generally recommended.
TNS-00044 INTCTL: you must have an INTCHG.ORA file to contact the Connection Manager

Cause:There was an attempt to contact a default Connection Manager (Interchange) where there was no INTCHG.ORA present in the correct directory.
Action:Create an INTCHG.ORA file using the Oracle Network Manager and make sure it is placed in the correct directory and includes the correct name for the Connection Manager you wish to contact.
TNS-00045 INTCTL: could not contact the Navigator on address

Cause:There was an attempt to contact a Navigator on a specific address, which is not responding.
Action:Check that a TNSNAV.ORA file containing the correct local communities exists for that address. Also check that the Navigator is actually listening on that address by using the INTCTL STATUS command. If necessary, start the Navigator using the INTCTL START command.
TNS-00046 INTCTL: Could not contact the Connection Manager on address

Cause:There was an attempt to contact a CMANAGER on a specific address, which is not responding.
Action:Verify that the TNSNET.ORA file contains that address. Also check that the CMANAGER is actually listening on that address by using the INTCTL STATUS command. If necessary, start the Connection Manager using the INTCTL START command.
TNS-00060 INTCTL: Bad command: only the STATUS command can be used on remote Interchanges

Cause:The user entered a command that does not exist, or the user tried to make a request other than STATUS to a remote Interchange.
Action:Check the MultiProtocol Interchange Administrator's Guide for a list of INTCTL commands or type HELP for a list of valid commands.
TNS-00061 INTCTL: Bad command or syntax error: you must specify a trace level

Cause:The user did not specify a trace level.
Action:Specify a trace level and retry command.
TNS-00062 INTCTL: Bad command or syntax error: For help type "help" or "h" or "?"

Cause:The user entered an invalid command.
Action:Check the MultiProtocol Interchange Administrator's Guide or type HELP for a list of valid commands.
TNS-00063 INTCTL: Failed to allocate memory for buffers

Cause:INTCTL was unable to allocate memory for internal buffers.
Action:Check the amount of available memory on your machine to ensure that there is enough memory to run this executable. If necessary, free up memory by running fewer programs, then try again.

Cause:INTCTL was unable to find the CMANAGER_NAME parameter in INTCHG.ORA.
Action:Check that the INTCHG.ORA file is properly constructed.
TNS-00065 INTCTL: Command cannot be executed remotely

Cause:A command other than status and version has been attempted remotely.
Action:If you desire to execute any command other that status and version, you must run INTCTL on the Interchange machine.

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